Publications Overview Scopus

Updated: 2025-03-07
  • 113 Faculty Member Count
  • 59 Members with 0 or 1 Papers
  • 10.32 Citations per Papers for all Years
  • 0.25 Papers per Faculty Member in 2024
  • 35 H-Index
2004 2024
  • 5525 Citations
2004 2024
  • 535 Papers
2004 2024

International Papers
Members with 0 or 1 Citations
Papers in SJR Top 10% Journals
i10 Papers
Paper Quartiles based on IF
Paper Quartiles based on CiteScore
Paper Quartiles based on SJR
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Research Area:


Islamic Azad University of Mahabad Branch was formed in the Fajr decade of 1986 by using the existing facilities and potentials of the city. In 1987, it started working in the Red Crescent rented building with the admission of 215 students in the fields of veterinary medicine, civil engineering, Persian literature and agriculture. Now, after 34 years, Mahabad Azad University is proud to play an important role in the higher education sector of the country and the region with about 2500 students. This university has about 19 hectares of land owned by the complex site with more than 70,000 square meters of educational space. Research, Welfare services, dormitory and guest house, mosque, sports, Sama schools and Sama school and also about 30 hectares of agricultural and research land and has 5 approved faculties of engineering and technology, literature and foreign languages, basic sciences, humanities and agriculture And natural resources are first and foremost very large units and it is hoped to be upgraded to a comprehensive unit soon. The number of faculty members of this university is 138 full-time. The number of students is 2500, the number of graduate students is 624 and the number of courses in this university unit is 22 courses in associate degree and 60 courses in bachelor's degree and 43 courses in master's degree and 8 courses in doctoral degree and also 133 people who are also engaged in administrative affairs as employees.


0 624 2500

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Publications Scopus

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